

Do I need a referral?
All patients referred for consultation or procedures (including Fibroscan, capsule endoscopy and direct access endoscopy) require a referral from a GP or treating specialist.  Referrals from a GP last for 12 months and referrals last 3 months from a treating specialist.

Do I need a consultation?
All procedures ( with the exception of Fibroscan ) require a consultation with a gastroenterologist before procedure. This may be in person or via Telehealth.

Are procedures covered by my health fund?
All health funds are different, please call your particular health fund with the procedure name and MBS item number to ensure you have the required coverage. As our doctors are ‘known gap’ providers, an fixed out of pocket fee is charged.

What if I don’t have private health?
Our doctors are happy to see all patients for consultation, regardless of whether you have insurance or not.  If you require a procedure your doctor will discuss with you whether you wish to proceed as self-funded through a private hospital. If you change your mind and wish for a public appointment, your referring doctor will need to arrange a referral to your local public hospital.


About my procedure

Can I drink alcohol while on the low fibre or clear fluid diet?
Preferably not, but a glass or two of beer or wine is allowed.

How long will the procedure go for?
You will be in hospital approximately 3 – 4 hours from admission to discharge, the nurses will call your carer with a confirmed discharge time once you are awake from the sedation.

Can I drive home or catch a taxi after the procedure?
The sedating drugs continue to affect a person for 12 hours after their administration and it is against the law to be in charge of a vehicle or heavy machinery during this time. You may catch a taxi after the procedure but must have an accompanying responsible adult other than the taxi driver. It is also important to realize that a person is not capable of operating equipment including cooking appliances, being solely being solely responsible for small children or making important/legal decisions during this 12-hour period.

Do I really need to have someone at home with me after the procedure?
Often patients look and sound completely back to their normal selves soon after the procedure. However, the sedating drugs remain in your system for 12 hours and during this time irresponsible decisions can be made which could compromise your safety. There is also a risk of falls, bleeding and fainting.

Why am I restricted with travel plans after a colonoscopy?
There are well documented bleeding risks following polypectomy (polyp removal) performed during a colonoscopy. The major risk following polypectomy is in the first 3 days and hence we recommend no long distance car travel or air travel during the first 3 days post procedure. Following this, there is continued risk of bleeding for up to 28 days post procedure so we recommend that travel to remote places and overseas travel is deferred until after this period. 

How will I get the results of my procedure?
The gastroenterologist will discuss this with you post procedure, however due to the sedation this may not be remembered clearly. A report will be printed and sent home with you with the appropriate follow up.


Surveillance procedures

Do I need a referral?
All patients referred for consultation or procedures (including Fibroscan, capsule endoscopy and direct access endoscopy) require a referral from a GP or treating specialist.  Referrals from a GP last for 12 months, and 3 months from a treating specialist.

I received a message advising me I was due for a procedure, what now?
Firstly see your GP to obtain a referral. Then call us to make a booking, during this call we will ask you a series of questions related to your health to ensure you qualify to book in for a procedure without a prior consultation with your gastroenterologist.



Can I request scripts over the phone?
No. For general prescriptions you should see your general practitioner. For complex drugs prescriptions you will need to book an appointment to see your Gastroenterologist

Does bowel preparation require a prescription?
No, this can be picked up over the counter at your local pharmacy.